Sunday, May 13, 2007

The headlines we didn't get...

How about Labour gets 3% boost?

Or Tories fall back in poll?

Or Labour halve poll deficit?

Every one of those readings of the YouGov Poll for today's Sunday Times is a fair one. So what was the ST's spin?

Poll is grim reading for Brown.

And it was hidden away, well below the fold, on page 13.

... and the ones we nearly did

This week, the ST's further contributes to serious political debate by including:
The pictures Blair secretly ordered MI5 to bury?
with salacious nude "lookalikes" of
Cherie and her lifestyle guru Carole Chaplin sharing a shower while the PM brushes his teeth.
Then there is an even more lubricious:
Blair getting a lesson from George Bush on the golf course.
Bet that one goes straight to the Islamic filth-merchants.

Why doesn't Murdoch come clean, slap a red-top across page one, and called it The Sun on Sunday? Sphere: Related Content

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