Thursday, November 5, 2009

Class and race in NYC

The graphics in the New York Times are, in a favoured word of Malcolm's Brooklyn-born son-in-law, "awesome".

So, today's effort, showing the distribution of votes in the City's Mayoral election, continues the standard of excellence. The legend to the piece reads:
The Vote for Mayor, Block by Block
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg won re-election Tuesday, but voters were less enthusiastic about him than the last time he ran in 2005. The mayor did well in high-income white areas of Manhattan and Queens, and also in election districts dominated by immigrants, like Flushing and Brighton Beach. But his vote fell sharply in black neighborhoods, especially southeast Queens, where the black middle class has been hard-hit by foreclosure.
The related article, by David Chen and Michael Barbaro, ain't too dusty either.

Respec' !

Now, if only the UK media could match that, for depth and decency. Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

Al Widdershins said...

Fascinating - results at Assembly District level are very revealing in themselves, but this added level of detailed information is wonderful. To add context to the maps, there's a load of census-block level data over on SocialExplorer.

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